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SCENT:  Indulge in the calming essence of lavender with warm undertones of sage, as you treat your skin to our natural moisturizing bath bombs.  This bath bomb is covered in extra nourishing coconut oil frosting with lavender buds, to take you away to serene relaxation.  Designed for sensitive and dry skin, our all-natural bath bombs lock in moisture to form a protective barrier against dryness, and provides nourishing vitamins and alpha-hydroxy acid to reduce visible signs of aging and acne.


BENEFITS OF GOAT MILK: Goat milk contains high fat molecules, making it extremely moisturizing and is full of nutrients including: Vitamin D, which softens the skin, and reduces the appearance of fine lines;Vitamin C, which gives skin strength and promotes collagen production to combat dryness and wrinkles;Vitamin E, which helps aging and dry skin.


NOURISHING INGREDIENTS: Goat Milk; Baking Soda; Citric Acid; Coconut Oil, and Lavender and Sage essential oils and fragrance.

Lavender Sage Bath Bombs

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